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Sacramental Preparation

The Parent's Role

Parents are the primary educators of their children, the onus, therefore, of preparing children for the reception of the sacraments rests in the home. At the parish of St. Benedict, we aim to support the efforts of parents by providing sacramental preparation classes which supplement the religious education received at home.



Sacramental preparation is available to active parishioners only and is mandatory for all those wishing to receive the Sacraments of First Holy Communion, Confirmation or Matrimony at the parish of St. Benedict.


Holy Communion is usually received by children who will have achieved their seventh year before 1st June and is accompanied by first Confession the day before reception.


The Privilege of The Bishop

The conferral of the Sacrament of Confirmation is the privilege of the Bishop. Depending on the number of people requiring the sacrament in a given year the parish of St. Benedict receives a date, usually for May, when the Bishop will exercise his prerogative to confirm those, he deems suitable, and who have achieved their twelfth year before 1st May. Please note that parishioners who live outside of the Diocese of Fort Worth will need the express permission of their own Bishop to receive the sacrament of Confirmation at St. Benedict.


Sacramental Preparation Classes

Sacramental Preparation classes are carried out in the hall of St. Benedict every Sunday from February to June. Each class begins promptly at 10am. To allow for quiet during these sessions parents, particularly those with children not taking part in classes, are respectfully asked to wait in the Church or to attend the adult catechism classes offered by the Pastor.


Sacramental Preparation classes for both First Holy Communion and Confirmation are fourteen weeks long. Attendance at ALL classes is necessary and ALL homework assignments must be completed promptly.


As the Pastor is responsible for the worthy distribution of the Sacraments and he reserves the right to quiz, question, and if necessary, refuse these Sacraments based on the suitability of the candidate. Material for Confirmation will be provided by the parish. Materials and books for First Holy Communion are currently being revised.​


St. Benedict Catholic Church, a parish of the Diocese of Ft. Worth is under the stewardship of the FSSP. We exclusively offer Mass and Sacraments according to the ancient liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. 




2920 Azle Avenue,

Ft. Worth, TX 76106

Copyright © 2020-2023 St. Benedict Catholic Church. All Rights Reserved.

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