Trinity Sunday
Sun 5/26 8:00am - Mary Marincel (living), Trinity Sunday, I. W
Mon 5/27 9:00am - Fr. Strittmatter (living), St. Bede, Confessor & Doctor, III, W
Tue 5/28 8:00am - Gonzalez Family (living), St. Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop, III, W
Tue 5/28 12:15pm - Unborn Babies, St. Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop, III, W
Wed 5/29 8:00am - Georgia Lamb & Family (living), St. Magdelene de Pazzi, Virgin, III, W
Wed 5/29 : No 12:15 Mass
Thu 5/30 8:00am - Edison Beardslee (living), Corpus Christi, I, W
Thu 5/30 : No 12:15 Mass
Fri 5/31 6:00pm - Martin and Flor Padilla (living), Queenship of the BVM, II, W
Sat 6/1 10:00am - James and Lilian Coughlin (living), Immaculate Heart of Mary, III, W
Sun 6/2 8:00am - Holy Souls in Purgatory , External Solemnity of Corpus Christi, II, W
Mass Attendance
8:00am 222
12:15pm 305
No Rosary & Catechism Classes on Wednesday 15th May. Rosary and Adult Catechism will re-sume in June.
May Crowning & Rosary Procession: Please join us to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary on Feast of the Queenship of Mary on Friday 31st May at 5pm. All registered parishioners names will be placed within a commemorative locket and consecrated to the B.V.M on that day.
Confirmation: Congratulations to all those who received the sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday. We look forward to seeing the fruits of the Holy Ghost being more present in our parish.
Mass Intentions: The Mass intention book is full and therefore will not be opened this month.
Ordination Mass Live Stream: Watch Rev. Mr. Florance become Rev. Fr. Florance live at the following link on Wednesday 29th May at 10am:
No 12:15pm Mass on Wednesday 29th May and Thursday 30th May due to the Ordinations.
Meating of Men: The next “meating” of men is scheduled for Saturday 8th June. Beginning with a spir-itual conference in the church at 5pm. Please remember to bring food and drinks to share.
Mothers’ Meeting: The next mothers meeting is scheduled for Thursday 13th June at 7pm in the par-ish hall. This meeting is open to all the mothers of the parish and includes a spiritual conference and some helpful hints on how to pray best as a mother.
Ushers: Our ushers are here to help. Our Ushers are deputed by the Pastor to assist with directions to the church and parish hall as well as a myriad of other tasks to improve the experience at St. Benedict. Among those tasks is the unpleasant reality of refusing entry into the church when it is full and remind-ing people of the need for peace and silence in the church. The peace and silence is not just about cry-ing babies it is also about creating a general demeanor worthy of the presence of our God. It includes cell phones, talking, unnecessary movement or trips to the bathroom. Therefore I would remind you that we are not here for our own comfort or entertainment but rather to spend time in the presence of Almighty God and therefore must maintain our peace, humility, and serenity at all times in His pres-ence. Our Ushers are here to help but it would be more praise worthy if we were to help ourselves.