Mass Attendance
8:00am 147 11:00am 243
9:30am 298 1:00pm 210
Parish Envelops: Parish envelopes will be ready for collection. Please ensure that you collect your en-velopes promptly even if you use our online giving portal. Please also ensure that we have your email address. If you have not already provided us with an email please contact
Liturgical Reflections: on Wednesday 29nd January 2025 at 7pm in the parish hall Fr. Quirke will con-tinue the series of talks about the Mass and the customs and traditions. These talks are particularly useful to new members of the parish. The Wednesday Rosary group will meet at 6pm in the church on Wednesday.
Mother Meeting: If you are a mother (of any age) you are invited to join us for our Mother’s Meeting on Thursday 30th January at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall.
First Saturday: Please be reminded that the 1st February is the First Saturday of the month. Please make every effort to keep the first Saturday devotion.
Forum Agricolae: After Mass on Saturday 1st February. Please contact Fr. Quirke if you are planning to bring anything.
Candlemass: Sunday 2nd February is the Purification of the BVM also known as Candlemas when litur-gical candles are blessed. As this feast falls on a Sunday candles will be blessed simply and before each Sunday Mass. If you have “Devotional” candles you wished blessed on Candlemas please bring them to the altar rail before any of the Masses next week and remove them immediately afterwards.
St Blaise Throat Blessings: The blessing of throats will take place after the 9am Mass on Monday 3rd February.
Meating of Men: The next “meating” of men will be on Saturday 8th Feb-ruary beginning with a spiritual conference in the church at 6pm. Please bring food and beverages to share.